F5 Performance Management:

Exam structure

Section A-15個客觀題,每道題2分。曾經(jīng)也有討論說要不要每道題設不同的分值,從1至3分不等。但是最終還是設置成每個問題2分。

Section B-3個OT cases,每個case有5個問題,一個問題2分。

Section C-2個綜合案例題,每道題20分。

Section A

考官強調說,考生不要忽略考綱上的任何一個知識點,每個知識點都很重要。因為在機考中多項選擇題會以不同的形式出現(xiàn),比如說:point and click,multiple correct option,fill in the blank,matching and pull-down lists.

Section B

每一個OT case會涉及到考綱中的一個重要的大知識點,雖然有時候也會涉及到考綱上一些別的小的知識點。同時,考官也強調說個別的OT questions雖然在這個case里,但是它是獨立的。

Section C


在CBE機考系統(tǒng)中,回答Section C的綜合題需要掌握基本的excel/spreadsheet的技能??忌枰獜椭?、粘貼以及做一些基本的格式排版。同時,考生也要掌握簡單的Excel公式,例如,加減乘除,求和等等??脊購娬{說,雖然markers能看到單元格里的公式,但是你的答案還是要填寫清楚。在CBE機考中,考官還是鼓勵大家的答案要清晰排版或者布局。(為了markers更快速的看清楚你的解題過程和答案)。再比如,一些計算的最后也需要一句總結。

CBE機考中的Section C還會用的文字處理功能(word)。建議考生在回答的時候去使用標題、重點標記符號和有框架的答題。到目前為止,從閱卷的情況來看,CBE考生使用word回答的答案要比筆試的考生整體來的清晰??脊傧嘈攀且驗榭忌鷤兊拇鸢冈絹碓骄?。相比筆試,在機考中漏做或者不做題的情況少了很多。

考官還提醒考生們,在回答績效管理(performance management)問題的時候尤其要注意不能僅僅停留在“這個目標以及達到”的層面——要去知道為什么,要問問自己你為什么要去算這個ratio。

考生在差異分析(variance analysis)這個問題上的表現(xiàn)一向比較薄弱??脊僬f她理解有好多方法可以計算出答案,但是markers比較推崇兩種主要的計算方法。(就是老師上課講的方法?。?/span>

F5 in the future





我們發(fā)布本ACCA exam tips不是用來給你押題的,是匯總本次考試的重要關鍵信息。文中有部分知識點的整理,更重要的是考試答題技巧的匯總,以及考前準備。押題復習不可取,大家借助本文參考資深考官給出的考試答題技巧更加重要。


MCQ’s can come up from any syllabus area so cover the breadth of every topic.

Section A:

ABC,Life Cycle costing,Target Costing and Throughput Costing are very commonly tested topics while Environmental costing is rarely tested.

Section B:

Usually there are two questions from this area.Commonly tested topics are

–Relevant Costing


–Cost Volume Profit Analysis

–Limiting Factor

–Make or Buy or Shutdown Decisions and other Short term decisions

–Dealing with Risk and Uncertainty

Section C:

There are two questions from this area.Variances analysis is more commonly tested topics while Budgeting is also tested off and on.Every exam has some variances in it and could be basic or advanced variances.

Section D:

Performance evaluations is another area where questions always come up–very hard to learn a set method as each one is different.The important thing is to read the question carefully and make sure you link your analysis to the scenario.Commonly tested areas are

Transfer Pricing

Balance scorecard

The examiner does not like students who simply quote from the textbook,writing information that is not relevant to the question.The examiner also likes you to have an opinion–has the company done well or not?Clearly state your opinion and reasons why it is so.


As any syllabus area could be tested in sections A&B the best advice is to study all areas of the syllabus.

For section C expect(but not limited to)planning and operational variance,mix yield variances&evaluation of the company performance(either as a whole or on a divisional basis)。

There is no longer any formal reading and panning time at the start of the exam.You are strongly advised to plan answers to section C questions before starting to write.Ensure to make reference to the scenario in your answer!

The exam is approx.40%calculation and 60%discussion–so doing the maths won’t be enough to pass this paper.Interpretation and application are crucial,especially in section C.


Sections A and B:Costing methods(ABC,throughput&lifecycle)and decision making(relevant costing,linear programming and uncertainty)。

Section C:Transfer pricing,budgeting and advanced variances.
